Quartz Counter-tops

12 Brands | Hundreds of Colors | Unlimited Possibilities

Quartz Countertops

Quartz Brands At Stone Masters Inc.

Choose quartz counter-tops from nationally recognized brands such as  Emerstone, Corian/ZodiaqViatera, Cambria, Q, Valiant Quartz, Silestone, Valiant Tech Printed Quartz, Pental, Caesarstone, Daltile and Wilsonart materials. Quartz Blow out Sale colors here. And, low maintenance is part of the appeal. Plus, you do not have to sacrifice the look or feel of natural stone. And, you can have the look of marble without the fear of etching or scratching with quartz.

Certified Fabrication Means Warranty Support

Stone Masters inc. is a certified fabricator of all natural and quartz surfaces. Plus, we work with Granite, Marble, Soapstone and Quartz materials. Quartz Counter-tops are sometimes referred to as “solid surface counter-tops”. Also, website pictures are a nice way to get an idea of what the material looks like. However, our designers recommend that you come to see and feel the material yourself in person. Plus, we have samples of each of the materials in our showroom. And, the most popular colors are on display in full slab.

Pros and Cons of Quartz Counter-tops

Our Counter-top Learning Center discusses the pros and cons of granite vs solid surface to help you decide which is right for you. Quartz make a great material for kitchens, bathrooms vanity tops, bar counter-tops, and tub decks, because it is non-porous.

The right counter-top material

Quartz Common Misconceptions

Trying to select the right quartz counter-top material for many people is difficult due to the overwhelming number of choices. As a result, there is a lot of good information on the Internet about the various counter-top materials available.

Therefore, Quartz counters are a popular choice for those people that want little to no maintenance. It is pronounced “quarts”, but spelled q-u-a-r-t-z. Don’t confuse it with the natural quarried stone material “quartzite”.

Value Vs Name Brand

Look for outstanding value and exceptional marble colors from Emerstone and MSI’s “Q”.  Cambria counter-tops are perhaps the most uniquely patterned engineered stone options. Caesarstone, LG and Zodiac have a wide variety of colors and patterns.  Quartz is simply a fantastic low maintenance counter-top material. Quartz Sale colors

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