Green Countertop Company – Recycles Process Water
Stone Masters is a green countertop company which uses over 12 million gallons of water per year in our manufacturing process. Therefore,we maintain our own on-site water recycling system. As a result, our water’s recycled via a combination of reverse osmosis, mechanical, cyclonic and gravity filtration.
Stone Masters reclaims all cardboard, plastic and metal in our managed recycling program.
Natural Light

Our stone storage uses natural light by design. It was purpose built to maximize lighting efficiency. Natural light eliminates 100% of energy waste. Plus, our supplemental electric lighting is super efficient too!
LED Light
Additionally, we upgrade all our older light fixtures as they fail. This program continues through 2019 and into 2020 for LEDs in the offices and showroom.
Waste Stone And The Environment
Returning our waste stone to the earth in smallest pieces possible to minimize its environmental impact. Also, bagging our slurry and dehydrated prior to disposal.
We work hard to be paperless. So, we minimize paper waste with an online system. Stone Masters planted trees during construction! Specifically, we planted 175 shrubs, 86 evergreen trees and 18 leaf bearing trees. We are truly green!
Waste Motor Oil
Green Countertop Company is Eco Everything!
We’re environmentally mindful in everything we do. Stone Masters even changes oil with concern for the environment. We recycle the waste oil from our vehicles and compressors. Our neighbors heat their building with our waste oil. Their heating equipment is specifically designed to utilize waste motor oil! How green is that? Click the link to learn more about us.
Recycled Stone
Waste Stone
We recycle our waste stone from our cutting operation and turn it into pavers. These compete with the EP Henry style pavers found for driveways, patios and pool decks. Natural stone counter-tops like granite, soapstone, marble and quartzite have less of an environmental impact compared to man made quartz. There is less energy spent to cut a slab from a natural block compared to creating a slab from chemical resins and ground up quartz.